Q: Is it easy to learn the Creighton Model System?

A: As with trying anything for the first time, it does take a few weeks to get used to making the observations. If you are committed to learning CrMS, you’ll learn to appreciate the various signs (biomarkers) that you see throughout your menstrual cycle. It takes only a few extra minutes of your day that are well-worth the time and energy. Your CrMS Practitioner also provides plenty of support in the early stages of learning. Before you know it, you’ll be using Creighton Model as naturally as you brush your teeth. Really!

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Q: How is the Creighton Model different from the other methods of natural family planning?

A: While all the methods of natural family planning revolve around fertility awareness and tracking particular signs from the woman’s body, CrMS is a mucus-only method using standardized descriptions that help women identify their days of fertility and infertility. It is particularly helpful to women who are breastfeeding, dealing with irregular cycles, and having trouble conceiving. Coupled with NaProTECHNOLOGY, CrMS empowers our clients to be their own advocates regarding their reproductive health and have meaningful discussions with their doctors about any abnormalities that they may be experiencing. You can learn more about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System here. For a description of the various NFP methods, take a look at this compilation by Sara Fox Peterson.

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Q: Do I have to be married to use the Creighton Model System?

A: No, you don’t have to be married to use CrMS. The most commonly made statement by Creighton Model clients has always been, “I wish I knew about this a long time ago.” Every woman deserves to understand her fertility and have access to accurate information about her reproductive health. We recommend that single women start charting, especially if they are experiencing abnormalities in their cycles. They fare better when they find out what is causing the abnormalities, as opposed to waiting until they are trying to start their families. Since Creighton Model identifies biomarkers that may indicate risk for particular reproductive medical conditions – some of which are very serious – it is our responsibility to educate ALL women about the benefits of this system. It is also our goal that our clients are given opportunity to discover the fullness of their sexuality as a whole person with inherent dignity. Knowing how valuable these lessons are to both women and men, we also encourage them to grow in their appreciation of chastity within and outside of marriage.

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Q: What about periodic abstinence? If my spouse and I are avoiding pregnancy and can only use days of infertility, how will that affect the dynamic of our marriage?

A: Most couples who use a natural method of family planning report better communication, stronger marriages, and a deeper appreciation for their spouse. Have I had any client couples who had a hard time abstaining for the fertile period? Yes. But they have all been open to developing new patterns of interacting that move beyond just having physical relations. If their reasons for avoiding pregnancy are serious enough and they are completely invested in their marriages, our clients are willing to grow in SPICE. It’s a multidimensional, whole-person view of sexuality that challenges us to discover and appreciate the true meaning of sex in the context of total respect and love. SPICE is an acronym for Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative/Communicative, and Emotional. When a couple using the Creighton Model is able to integrate SPICE into their marriage, they can freely exercise the principle of “selective intercourse” without resentment, frustration, and anger. Periodic abstinence then becomes a gift to one another instead of a burden to the relationship.

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Q: I see that the Creighton Model and NaProTECHNOLOGY are fruits of the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction. Does that mean this is only a Catholic thing?

A: Absolutely not…this is a WOMAN thing! Creighton Model featuring NaProTECHNOLOGY can be taught and practiced in a completely secular setting, serving women of any background no matter their religious affiliation. The beauty of this system is its scientific foundation, based on over 30 years of research on the human reproductive system. While it is true that our founders established the CrMS teaching principles within a moral context, that is the very reason for why we will instruct anyone comes to us. It is our obligation to offer all prospective clients the information they are seeking for the sake of their own health.

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Q: Is there a cost for this program?

A: There is a Program Start-up Fee due at the Introductory Session and individual follow-up appointment fees with a package option or pay-per-appointment option (click here for details). Stella Maris FertilityCare Services will not raise your follow-up fees once you have signed up for the program. In the event of a fee increase, the new fees will only apply to new clients.

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Q: How often would I have to meet with my Practitioner?

A: You can find our typical Follow-up Schedule here. If there are chart management issues, or if the client needs continued assistance that warrants more frequent follow-ups, the schedule is subject to change. Since the Creighton Model is tailor-made for each woman’s body, it depends on what is happening with her cycles.

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Q: Can’t I just learn the method from the Introductory Session? Why do I have to go to all these follow-up appointments?

A: The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is incredibly specific. It is tailor-made for each woman’s body and reproductive category, so it’s definitely not a “one-size-fits all” method. The Introductory Session just gives you an overview of the Creighton Model, reviews some basic anatomy and physiology, goes through different charting situations, and explains the effectiveness for achieving and avoiding pregnancy. However, in order for you to actually learn the system and use it well, you really do need the individual guidance and instruction of a Practitioner. The Follow-up Schedule starts off with frequent appointments initially in order to provide the necessary support that each client needs, but after some time you would not be meeting with your Practitioner as often since you would have learned to observe and chart successfully.

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Q: If I don’t have a Creighton Model Practitioner nearby, would it be possible to do long-distance follow-ups?

A: Absolutely! Please contact Marianne Dyogi, CFCP, and she will put you in contact with a CrMS Practitioner who does long-distance follow-ups.